Pennington really likes watching Winnie the Pooh (new and old ones), Olivia, and Clifford. We read Olivia and Clifford books all the time. I remember Johnny wanted to buy Olivia for Pennington before he was born. I looked at him like he was crazy. Thinking . . . "That's a girl book you know?!?!?" So we didn't buy the Olivia books until Piper was born. Well come to find out Pennington LOVES Olivia. Pennington also really likes Clifford's friend T-Bone who is in the videos. Recently we asked Pennington who his favorite football player was. He told us Tebow. We had no idea who told him to say Tebow. Well come to find out we actually think he was saying T-Bone not Tebow.
On Friday night while we were at Early Bird Shabbat (think happy hour and appetizers along with an optional short service), Pennington pretended to play football with both Nonni and me. It is really awesome to watch a child imagine doing something. He would pretend to kick, throw and catch the ball. Hopefully this imaginative play will continue.
Pennington is now part of the big kid group at school. Denise says he is doing really well. He is starting to tell me more and more about what he does at school. I have to say I think the Montessori method of putting kids together of different age groups is really smart. Right now since Pennington is one of the older ones he is working on helping teach the younger ones.
We have recently figured out that Pennington LOVES taking showers. We started taking showers with the kids when they were sick a few weeks ago. Now Pennington asks to take a shower.
Pennington still takes really good naps. Sometimes as long as 3 hours. He is actually really hard to wake up when he is not ready to get up. While he does take a really good nap, he doesn't sleep as long at night as some other children his age. Part of this has to do with the fact that we keep him up a bit later than we probably should so that I can hang out with him after work. There are some nights he doesn't go to sleep until 9pm. He typically gets up around 7am. So basically he averages around 13 hours of sleep a day.
He continues to love anything and everything that has to do with sports. We are seriously thinking about putting him on skis next weekend. We have shown youtube videos of kids skiing so he knows what to expect. I hope if we do decide to take him (weather permitting) that he enjoys it and that we wont regret taking him so early.
Below is a recent photo of Pennington. He is Super Pennington in this photo (just like Kipper the super dog).

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