Sunday, January 22, 2012

Piper 17 Months

Piper turned 17 months old last week. I decided I no longer have children that will be referred to by how many months old they are but rather a 1 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. I think it might have been getting a little too specific saying I have a 17 month old and a 29 month old.

Piper is now saying around 10 to 20 words. This is so amazing to me since Pennington just started talking about 3 months ago. Piper wants to keep up with her big brother but at the same time runs like crazy when she thinks he is about to tackle her. She's a tough little one.

Piper is doing really well at school. One of the helpers told me that she thinks Piper is really smart. I guess she is ahead of the other children her age developmentally. Of course this was a really proud moment for me as a mother. Part of the reason she is probably ahead is because she has her big brother to keep up with.

Piper is starting to want to dress herself. She can put her own coat and pants on. She is still amazing me with her ability to go poop on the potty but for some reason not pee on the potty. Piper is very into helping out around the house. She pushes she toy vacuum around the living room and enjoys playing with her cupcakes.

There are some challenges we are still working through with Piper. This girl still really wants to be breastfeed. Yes I am that mom that is still breastfeeding her child. Some days only twice other days as much as five times. I just keep hoping someday she will decide she is done but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Since Piper got sick a few weeks ago and is now working on a few new teeth (Did I mention this girl has had the same 8 teeth for like 6 months now? It is about time the rest of them decided to show up) we are back to square one with her sleeping habits. I had to make her cry it out last night. Otherwise I would have had to hold her for 30 minutes before she falls into a deep sleep for me to be able to put her down.

Below are two recent photos of Piper. She is helping me with the dishes and playing with her cupcakes.


  1. I need to talk to you soon! About breastfeeding! About sleeping! I love all the posts...Piper and Pennington are adorable as ever.

  2. I just noticed this post. Call me about breastfeeding. I love it and hate it all at the same time.
