We have been waiting for that "perfect day" to take Pennington skiing and that day showed up on Saturday. It was a beautiful blue bird day with temperatures was around 30 degrees.
On our way up we stopped by Greenwoods to get ski socks for the kids and picked up a sled for Piper. We didn't rent anything at Greenwoods because Bogus has a fabulous military discount which makes renting skis and boots for Pennington relatively inexpensive. We were also able to rent a really sweet orange helmet for him to wear.
When I first learned to ski at Bogus they didn't have the "magic carpets" but rather a "rope-tow". I remember the rope-tow being really hard to hold onto. It is so nice that they have the magic carpets now. They are also free to use. Pennington went up the magic carpet at least 5 times before lunch. Johnny said there was some falling and some crying but overall he really enjoyed it.
Piper and I hung out by the magic carpets. The sled we got a Greenwoods was definitely worth it. I just put her in the sled and pulled her around. Piper had a great time. She was a little jealous of Pennington's helmet but I just kept telling her next year she could wear one too.
We all went into the lodge for lunch. We purchased a few things to eat which included Fries. I can't think of a time when I was younger when I didn't get fries to eat when I went skiing. I also brought up some fruit and veggies to eat. The whole time at lunch Pennington talked about skiing. He talked about it so much that we decided to let him go back out on the hill for a few more rides up the magic carpet.
Johnny said the afternoon didn't go quite as well as the morning since the snow started to get wet and sticky. Overall, I would say it was a success. Pennington is asking if he can go again which is a big plus. Below are some pictures of the day.

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