Friday, January 27, 2012

Shabbat Dinners

This years education program at the synagogue is "The Jewish Home". The last few weeks at K'tamin they have been talking about Shabbat in the Jewish Home. I was able to attend K'tamin this week with the kids. At K'tamin the kids decorated candlestick holders.

As a family we try to have Shabbat dinner as much as we can. I think the kids really look forward to having Shabbat dinner. For me Shabbat symbolizes the end of a long work week. The kids know we light the candles and say the blessings. Today Nonni and Piper made baby Challah (the bread we eat on Shabbat). I always get out the kids toy wine glasses for them to drink juice out of when we say the blessing over the wine. Below are pictures of the kids drinking their juice and eating their baby Challah.

1 comment:

  1. That's so beautiful you're keeping all of these traditions for them. They'll thank you when they're older.
