Friday, January 13, 2012

A' Poo-Poo

This is one of those posts that I just have to do so I never forget. Piper talks about poop a lot. She is constantly saying a' poo-poo with a french accent. One really amazing thing about Piper is that she has told us twice now that she needed to go poo-poo and lone behold the girl has gone poop on the potty twice. I'm obviously not getting my hopes up about this but Piper is definitely interested in the potty and regularly tells us when she needs her diaper changed. She has only been to school four times but I am sure in the next few weeks she will start going on the potty at school. My hope is that both of the kids will be potty trained by August. Oh the thought of never having to change a diaper again is wonderful. However, I can see how it is nice sometimes to know they have a diaper on just in case they have an accident. Since Pennington had Hand, Foot and Mouth in mid December he has totally digressed when it comes to potty training. He is now totally fine with wearing a diaper instead of a pull-up (or as Pennington would say a pull-pup) or underwear. This is 180 degrees different than two months ago when he would fight us when we wanted him to wear a diaper to bed. I'm hoping that being back in school will get the potty training back on track.

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