Sunday, June 19, 2011

All By Myself

This was the first weekend ever that I have spent the entire weekend taking care of the kids without the help of grandparents, Johnny or any other caregivers for that matter. I woke up with the kids in the morning, fed them, got them ready for the day, played with them, changed their diapers, and put them to bed all by myself. I also managed to go to Fred Meyer, Costco, George's Cycles, and visit with my dear friend Becca.

I point this out for two reasons. (1) It truly takes a village to raise a child. You need as much help as you can get. (2) Sometimes it is just easier to not have other people around.

I never could have taken care of the kids for this many hours all by myself during the first . . . nine months of Piper's life. Honestly it isn't until now that I see them as twins. Piper is walking now and while she can't eat everything Pennington can she can feed herself which makes a world of difference. First time and even second, third, fourth, . . . , time parents need to realize that you need to ask for help. You can't do it alone for hours on end.

On the flip side I have also found that the kids are usually easier to deal with when I am the only one around. I'm guessing this is because there are few distractions. Additionally, you don't have to worry about what other people are thinking about your parenting. For instance if no one else is around you don't have to worry about picking up all the food and toys on the floor right that second. There is no one to tell you what to do or judge your parenting.

Overall, the weekend was great. I LOVE hanging out with my kids. They are truly my favorite hobby. Below is a picture of the kids from tonight. They are eating left over Pedialite Pops, hanging out in only onesies and shirts and I am completely fine with it.

1 comment:

  1. You are a great mama Jes! I'm just learning the ropes of handling two children on my own. Zac had to head back to work just 4 days after River was born---it's been a bit insane. I do agree though, it's sometimes easier on your own.
