Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pool Time

It is FINALLY getting above 75 degrees in Boise so we can go swimming. For those of you that don't live in Boise this has been the LONGEST spring ever. We are all ready for summer. We have been swimming with the kids a few times over the last two weeks. Pennington really likes to go swimming. I have found him a few times lately in his room putting on his Swimmie (aka swim diaper) all by himself. I have to hide the Swimmies so he doesn't get mad at me if we can't go into the pool right now. He likes to jump into the pool by himself and have someone catch him. He also likes to blow bubbles in the water. Overall, he is not afraid of the water. One of my favorite childhood memories is going swimming and then laying out on the warm cement to dry off. Below is a picture of Pennington drying off.

Piper is indifferent about the pool. She doesn't mind it but she doesn't love it. She does love the water table. The water table as been a must have for the summer. Pennington loved playing in the water table last summer and now Piper is loves it. Below is a picture of Piper playing in the water table.

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