1. He is constantly asking to go outside. When he is inside he looks out the windows and talks about things he does outside or things other people do outside. One of the things he likes to talk about is mowing the lawn. Pennington has his own toy lawn mower which is plays with everyday. When we are in the garage he constantly talks and points to Daddy's lawn mower. Tonight the neighbors were mowing the lawn and he kept saying "Daddy, Daddy" as if Daddy was outside mowing the lawn. I had to take him outside to show him Daddy was not home and that the neighbors were the ones mowing their yard. Of course we had to sit and watch. Note: When I say talking I mean he says some words but I end up asking him if this is what he is saying and he says yes back. He still is only using about 10 verbal words right now.
2. He is really enjoying reading books right now. He really likes reading "The Carrot Seed" because it talks about a little boy gardening. Both Nonnie and Grandma have gardens so when we read the book we also talk about Nonnie and Grandma's gardens.
3. He has started to eat vegetables again. Yeah!!! He likes broccoli and carrots. I have to say I think the reason he is willing to get them again has to do with the fact they serve them at school. Nothing like a little peer pressure to get you to eat your vegetables.
4. Every time we are in the car he asks me to turn his music on. He loves listening to his Music Together CDs. This makes me happy because I don't find the music to be really annoying and the songs come from all different cultures and have different types of rhythms and intonations, ect.
5. He is also into "Stringing Work". Basically it is taking a string and adding beads or at school they use pasta instead of beads. Denise (Pennington's teacher) mentioned that he was really into the Stringing Work last week. This is because we got the Melissa and Doug Stringing Kit when we were up in McCall for Memorial Day weekend.
Below are a few recent photos of Pennington.

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