Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pink Eye

Two weeks ago Denise (Pennington's teacher) mentioned that a few kids at school had Pink Eye and to look out for it. Well a week goes by and it looks like we dodged Pink Eye (or did we). I noticed a few days ago that Pennington had eye boogies which Johnny thought was just sleepy eye stuff. Pennington didn't seem to have red or pink eyes and wasn't rubbing his eyes so we were not concerned. Well this afternoon I realized that I had pink eye in my left eye. I got pink eye when I was in college so I knew right away what it was and that I had to have gotten it from Pennington. So when Pennington woke up from his nap I put Piper and Pennington in the car and headed to the Primary Health on Broadway to get our eyes looked at. Sure enough we both have Pink Eye. Luckily Piper doesn't have it.

The crazy thing to me about this whole Pink Eye ordeal is that it has cost me $120. $20 co-pay each for Pennington and I to get our eyes looked at and $40 each for the eye drops. $40 for eye drops!?!?!?! I guess without insurance this stuff is like $86. I guess whatever the doctor prescribed is like the top of the line eye drops for pink eye. He did mention that it would be gone in 24 hours and that we would no longer be contagious. Hopefully that is the case and Piper doesn't get it.

On a happy note at least Pennington will not have to miss school since he will be fine by Tuesday morning.

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