Sunday, June 12, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend at the Cabin

It has been over seven months since our family has ventured up to the Groves Family cabin. We would have liked to have gone sooner but work schedules have hindered our ability to go. Additionally we found that last time we went to the cabin with the two kids that the cabin is NOT child proof-able. Specifically the stairs. The only thing we can do is put an ironing board in between the spoils at the bottom of the stairs so the kids can only climb up two stairs. We have also figured out that there is absolutely no way to block off the top of the stairs. Basically we have to keep our eyes and hands on the kiddos at all times when we are at the cabin.

Nonnie, Mommy, Pennington and Piper drove up on Saturday afternoon and meet Poppy. Daddy came up on Sunday evening. On Sunday Nonnie and Mommy took the kids into McCall to pick out a new toy and book and go to My Father's Place for Lunch. On Monday Daddy and Pennington went fishing off the dock.

Below are some photos of our weekend at the cabin. I didn't realize this until now but for some reason I only took photos of Pennington. I have to be better about taking photos of Piper.

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