Saturday, June 4, 2011

Piper 9 Month Checkup

I took Piper to her 9 Month checkup on Friday. At her 6 month check up Dr. Booth mentioned that we didn't have to come to our 9 month if we didn't want because Piper wasn't going to get any shots. At first I thought that was crazy not to go but now that I am a second time mom I have realized there is no need to go if we don't have any concerns. After her 6 month appointment I scheduled the 9 month appointment just in case I decided she needed to go.

Well her 9 month checkup rolled around and I decided we should probably go since she has still NEVER slept through the night. When I say slept through the night I mean what the doctors call sleeping through the night which is ONLY a 6 hour stretch. Even thought I already know exactly what I am doing wrong I just needed to hear it again. "DON'T breastfeed her to sleep and DON'T give her a bottle to go to sleep." It is crazy to think that I have this problem after I was so meticulous about putting Pennington down to sleep still awake. I guess this goes to show that every child is different and even a mom who just raised an infant 12 months ago can forget what she is suppose to do. So now I am starting over fresh and trying my hardest not to feed her to sleep.

Dr. Booth mentioned two things to me that I found interesting. (1) There are some cultures in this world that would find this conversation crazy. Why wouldn't you feed your baby if it was hungry, cry, ect? This is a good point. However, these children might sleep with their parents until they are 5. (2) Our culture thinks I am crazy that I would still be allowing Piper to sleep with me half the night.

I know I have mentioned this before but we are going on 9 1/2 months now of Johnny and I not having a full night sleep together. Crazy huh! I keep thinking it will end soon but the fact of the matter is it will not end until I can teach Little Miss Piper to fall asleep on her own.

Below are the stats:

Height: 27 1/4 inches (40th percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds 8 ounces (30th percentile)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (50th percentile)

I don't think much has changed on the stats percentile wise. I will point out that Pennington was 2 pounds heavier at this point. I am hoping Piper will reach 20 pounds by a year so we can turn her car seat around.

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