Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pennington's Assessment

About a week ago I received the Comprehensive Evaluation Report from Pennington's developmental and speech assessment. Included in the assessment was a summary of how many correct answers Pennington had in six different categories. The results are suppose to approach 100% by 3 years of age. Below are Pennington's scores as a 27 month old.

Fine Motor - 92%
Gross Motor - 97%
Adaptive - 75%
Cognitive - 70%
Social-Communication - 78%
Social - 92%

Not 100% sure I totally understand what this all means but it definitely looks like he is scoring well for a 27 month old.

Looks like we still need to work Adaptive, Cognitive and Social-Communication skills.

Adaptive is the area that assesses self-help skills that allow your child to become increasingly more independent.

Cognitive is the area that evaluations a child's memory, critical thinking skills, ability to grasp concepts and ability to discriminate feature of objects.

I think that the only reason he was lower on social-communication compared to social is because he is a little behind on talking. However, the other day he said a 10 word sentence to me so I think he is starting to improve in that area.

Melissa if you have any ideas of things I could do to work on Adaptive and Cognitive skills please let me know.


  1. Looks pretty good! The adaptive score most likely reflected that he is not toilet trained yet---no biggie. The AEPS (evaluation tool used)looks at imitation, problem solving, interaction with objects, and early concepts in the cognitive area. Language also plays an important role in this area of development. Lets could have him help set the table during meals, working on different numeral concepts such as 1:1 correspondence (one fork for each person), you could leave out words while reading familiar books and let him add the word, you could offer choices using early color concepts, "green shirt or red shirt today?" He could help with laundry by matching the socks---all cognitive concepts! The best way is to simply take what he's interested in and expand on it! I have a music and movement CD he'd probably love! I'll burn a copy and bring it to you next time I'm in Boise!

  2. Oh you rock. I am so lucky to have you in my life. From reading your blogs it looks like your children are doing great. Miss you guys. Hopefully you will come down to Boise soon. Maybe if we are up at the cabin sometime you come stop come down for a night on your way to Boise. Might make the trip a little bit more manageable with little River Roo.
